Resolution Number 1

OK, I have a New Year’s Resolution.
Not that it’s necessary, but I realize that I have one.

It’s to not comment or make fun of how people look and stand up to defend fat girls, old ladies, people with wrinkles. Cuz I R one.

It’s also to point out that ‘that ain’t sexy, that’s unhealthy’ when someone calls a BMI of 16 hot. Not letting little girls get a message that they have to destroy their health to be sexy. Or that it’s OK to poke fun at someone because of their looks.

It’s been on my mind for a while, not feeling comfortable at certain pictures posted, not getting into the joke. Also seeing excellent dancers trashed on You Tube by cretins, and occasionally by the well meaning dancer. But more disturbingly, by teenage girls who think a size 10 is obese as they struggle with their own body image.

Thanks a ‘effin lot media.

Sometimes speaking up causees others to say something. Sometimes it causes a flame war, but either way, I don’t feel like a jerk for being quiet. It’s a win win.

Then I read this

And thought, “OK, that puts the nail in it.” So no more.

Granted, that’s pretty obvious. Don’t be cruel. But sometimes you catch yourself wanting to say something snarky about the person with the bad plastic surgery, or the person wearing something too tight, or with a really weird wig.

Of course, that’s self inflicted, so it’s OK.

I don’t know anymore. That bad plastic surgery job could be post trauma reconstruction, or they could be the victim of a monster doctor and are waiting for the settlement to get the mess fixed. To tight clothes could be their baggage was lost in flight and a friend loaned them something to wear until their money and clothes arrived. The weird wig could be gift. Or they lost a bet.

And that really ‘large’ woman could have lost 100 pounds and be at her healthiest and best size ever. She could be more cardio fit, have better blood pressure, blood glucose levels and overall, be better off than the person posting the ugly remarks.

So I’m going to tell the world to STFU (not that it will listen, I’m doing it for me).

Really it’s more about glass houses and rocks.
I’m not getting any younger, much skinnier, or less wrinkled. So ….
It’s also about life being short and if they’re harming no one, then who am I to care?

What you give out comes back to you.

It’s also about learning to look a little deeper than the surface. That fat dancer is very good, better than most and she is so happy with a beautiful smile. That weird couple with the odd clothes and clearly deviant lifestyle seem to be very kind to each other and that is rare today. That woman with the ugly face is clearly loved by her grandkids and they see her as beautiful.

And so forth.
There is enough ugly in spirit floating around without me adding to it.

So I’m going to stand up for the weird, the ugly, the fat, the just plain odd. Someone out there loves them. What good comes from the negative?

However, if they are a rotten person, mean, unkind, whose fundamental beliefs go against everything I believe…… I will point that out. 🙂